Sunday, March 2, 2008


YES, THAT'S RIGHT. Outsider art by definition is antagonist art. Self-annointed artists are often antagonistic artists. So this news is a propos. The Antagonist Movement with its roots in the East Village has invited me up to the Niagara Club for a one night group show on Thursday, September 6. I have accepted, and eagerly look forward to my first show in New York where I’ll show five or six works.

Here is the Niagara info:
112 Ave A at the corner of 7th St. East Village NYC
The gallery is downstairs past the bar.
Tele: 212-420-9517

Show opens at 9 PM. All artwork hangs for the duration of the night until closing time at 2 AM.


The Antagonist Movement creates venues around New York City.
1. Thursday night. One night showcases with live music.
2. Two month shows bases around a theme.
3. Public Access show. Tuesday nights on MNN 67 or RCN 110 at 11pm. The show covers the art shows. It’s called Antagovision.
4. Writer’s night. The first Sunday of every month.
5. Films. AAM has four films coming out, including two documentaries on the art shows. One narrative featuring punk rock icons from the lower east side, and a documentary that covers female bands in the mid 90s. All of the films have been selected and won a verity of film festivals. To find out more about the release date contact Troma.
6. Fanzines and books. AAM has published a fanzine called Psycho Moto Zine and a book called “Somewhere Between a Punch and A Hand Shake.” Both feature AAM artists and writers.
7. Clothing line. Each year we feature new artists in the designs. All the money goes back into our projects.
8. Over seas art shows. Showing in Berlin October 18th to 26th.
9. Street art. Street Gallery. Sticker Art.
10. In the future AAM plans two books, more clothing lines, and another documentary on the art show in Berlin.

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